Our story began in the year 2004 when we started our journey with minimum resources to transform earths mineral resources for the utilization of mankind. Its about our passion to transform mineral resources into high performance solutions for the niche application , its about harnessing the aspects of mineralogy, earth sciences and material sciences , its about our continuous development in the felid of fine particle technology , its analysis and characterization for sustainable solutions for future in array of growth markets like Paints, paper , pharma, polymers , foods etc. In our story we strived hard to cope up with dynamic changing industrial needs and adding values in the end applications through our R&D and applied innovations , We are today stepping ahead towards global producer of industrial minerals primarily Ground Calcium Carbonate . Its not about mere giving solutions but to develop ‘ ‘best in class’ performance driven innovative solutions to diversified markets.

Our Reserves

Better raw material means better quality standards

There were times when regional market in India was facing difficulties and challenges due to lack of high purity calcite lumps . International companies began to exploit market as the purity of Indian calcite was not up to the international standards. To cope up with this challenges we started importing calcite lumps from all over world. While procuring crude our philosophy of reaching and exploring best raw material allows us to continuously diversify our resources.

Today we are either having partnership or fully acquired the reserves in different regions of world. We are stepping ahead with our facilities installed near mines or efficiently organized its processing through cost effective supply chain management and our international trade.

We take pride that most of our high purity products PARTICLE CB, PARTICLE MT and other series for polymer, paper and food applications are derived and processed from worlds most purest reserves and whitest formations of calcite rock being purity up to 99.5 and as bright and white up to 98. This not only enhance our products but also give us competitive edge . Better rawmaterial means better quality standards.

Our Vision

To continue with our values of integrity, respect, trust, nurturing relationships and acting sustainably to utilize reserves around the world and reach lives of every corner through our sustainable business.


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